About Me — Don Kermath
Endless Highways — Living and Working on the Road
“You’ve got to be crazy.”
That’s what I said to my business partner and now ex-wife 25 years ago when she suggested we open an indoor tanning salon. “Don’t you know the sun is bad for you?” I explained.
Additionally, neither of us knew anything about retail or indoor tanning.
After extensive research trying to prove my hypothesis — she’s crazy, I discovered the truth. I was crazy for my irrational fear of the sun. I learned you need sunshine like you need food, air, and water.
So, we opened the first of many locations.
Along the way, we learned marketing, finance, operations, human resources, and much more about running small businesses of many types. I received invitations to speak at conventions, consult small business owners, and conduct employee training.
But there still was a problem. Our small businesses were running us as much as we were running them. Taking a vacation was a nightmare. We were stuck living in that same small town as our businesses when we really wanted to travel and live someplace exotic.
Then the Great Recession hit and we were caught undiversified — entirely invested in one business sector.
We were economically devastated.
From the devastation came new opportunities. Those new opportunities meant leaving our small town. Although our business empire had shrunk to just three locations we still had to figure out how to run them from over 1,000 miles away.
And you know what? We figured it out.
Now my dream is endless highways — living and working on the road.
What is your dream?
My purpose is to help every small business owner realize their dream. I write just for you, the small business owner.
That is why I started Small Business Secrets publication on Medium. You’ll find tips, tricks, and hacks to running your small business from anywhere — painlessly. Mostly.
I am also a #1 New Release best selling author on Amazon. Recruit, Hire, & Retain Superstar Part-Time Employees. It’s for the small business owner or manager who wants to avoid the pain and minimize the expense of recruiting, hiring, and retaining superstar part-time employees.
You might not think you need this information now. However, there is hope for a better future for us small business owners. Everything is impermanent, including bad times.
Will you be prepared when opportunity knocks?
“Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared.” -The Richest Man in Babylon
Don Kermath is the employee turnover reduction expert that empowers small business owners and managers to transform their workforce into productive, cohesive, team-players who stay for the long haul and contribute to innovation and excellence on the job (and could really benefit your bottom line).